Beat Tips distended stomach
Breakfast with yogurt
- Reliable low fat yogurt intake during breakfast can help remove the fat from the stomach. With this control distended stomach.
- Chew food slowly and swallow food when it was really broken. When swallowing too quickly retained and trapped air in the intestine to form a gas that causes stomach feel full. Food that is not hard to chew with the fine in digestible state and cause production of gases that make up the distended stomach
Reduce salt
- A lot of salt intake in the diet will result in increased sodium in the body. It also slows down the mechanism and forces the water out of your body cells and causes the stomach feel full and bloated stomach started forward.
Drink a water
- If you feel bloated stomach filled with water due to excessive water storage, you can reduce the problem by drinking more water. Water intake can dilute the concentration of sodium in the body to facilitate the amount of water out of the body. In addition it also ensures that the active functions of bile in the body remove impurities.
Proper fibre intake
- Fibre intake from fruits like Pears and apples contain a lot of water is believed to balance the storage of water that can cause swelling in the abdomen.
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